It is true that Memorial Day means a great weekend and having fun in the sun. Besides, it is a great day for all Americans. It is the day when every American remembers and honors those who died for the country while serving in the U.S. Military. Memorial Day holiday occurs on Monday.
However, this day is also known as Decoration Day and originated during the time of the Civil War. Later, in the year 1971, it became official. All the American celebrate this great day by visiting memorials, participating in parades, and enjoying family gatherings. Besides, the day marks starting of the summer season. Let’s learn more about this special day.
The history behind Memorial Day 2019 and how it started
Talking about Memorial Day 2019 history, no one knows the exact origin of Memorial Day. Some say the actual birthplace of the day in New York, Columbus, Ga. S.C. The even in Charleston offers a clear picture of a country who has struggled to rebuild after the Civil War. As per the report, around 257 Union soldiers died during the Civil War in Charleston. They were all buried in unmarked graves. The black citizens organized a May Day to honor those soldiers.
In the year 1868, John A. Logan, then-Commander in Chief of the Grand Army of Republic claimed May 30 to be observed as Decoration Day. Initially, people only honored Confederate and Union soldiers. But after World War-I is was expanded, and people started honoring all those soldiers who died in the war. In the year 2018, the United States Census Bureau informed the day honors more than one million men and women.
Decoration Day eventually turned as Memorial Day and Memorial Day holiday became a national holiday in May 1968. That year, Congress passes the Uniform Monday Holiday Act. The act designated the day as the last Monday in May. So, for Memorial Day 2019, Americans got a three-day weekend.
The Civil War was the deadliest of all America’s confrontations with over 500,000 people dying, according to the Department of Veterans Affairs. Since the Civil War, America has participated in seven other wars, with casualties identified as:
Why and how Americans celebrate Memorial Day 2019?
If you think why is Memorial Day celebrated, well, here is the reason. The War was the deadliest war among all America’s wars. As per the report, the War took lives of more than 500,00 people.
During the day, different towns and cities of the U.S. organize parades every year. The parades generally include members of veteran’s group and military personnel. The largest parades for Memorial Day 2019 took place in New York, Washington D.C. and Chicago. The day is celebrated to honor them and to respect their contribution to the country. The country observes a national moment of remembrance at 3:00 p.m. while celebrating the day.
Americans wear a red poppy in remembrance of those soldiers. People also go for a weekend trip and enjoy parties. This is the perfect time to enjoy the three days with your family and friends.