The countdown for Black Friday 2019 has already begun. With Black Friday becoming a global celebration, there is a lot of excitement already for the year. This year the excitement is little more as Cyber Monday is also falling only within a few days. Though both Black Friday and Cyber Monday have equally celebrated globally celebrated shopping events, Black Friday is indeed more awaited being an event moreover about product-specific deals. On the other hand, Cyber Monday is only confined within the discounts offered by the retailers.
With Black Friday consistently growing as a phenomenon, Black Friday 2019 is obviously going to be the biggest ever. However, with a huge amount of deals being provided from different sites, it is obvious to be confusing from a buyer’s perspective. To make things simpler in this regard, provided below are some of the handy tips.
To start with, first of all, provided below are some of the prominent sites that should not be missed. These sites are recommended among the plethora of others promoting in various ways. Undoubtedly, one can expect the best deals this Black Friday 2019.
Black Friday 2019 sale on Amazon:
Visiting Amazon is like de-rigueur when it comes to Black Friday. And, this Black Friday 2019 is no different. It is here to mention that Amazon shares more than fifty percent of sales in the United States. The scenario is equally encouraging in Australia as well. Specifically, those who are interested in segments like video games, technology-based products, and fashion are highly recommended to check Amazon. However, Amazon is like a one-stop destination for all types of products one may opt for. With growing interest in Amazon from all across the globe, it would be nice to wake up early and start the process.
If there is another online platform that can give tough competition to Amazon, it’s indeed is eBay. eBay Black Friday deals have always been highly buzzed for the exciting deals and bargains. Specifically, off-board games and electronic segments at eBay are offered with whooping discounts. One can expect more than 60% discounts as well in these segments. One can expect equally exciting deals on fashion products as well.
Early-bird deals are highly recommended. It is recommended to make it fast as the retailers have already started the process. In fact, the process of dealing is said to have already started prior to a couple of weeks.
The catch is a must recommendation for exciting deals this Black Friday 2019. Especially, keeping the excitement of the past year in mind, the anticipations around Catch is quite obvious to be there. Those who are looking for exciting deals on product segments like fitness products like fitness trackers, sports shoes, sneakers, etc. are highly recommended not to miss the site.
Life hacker:
Are you in hunt of the best coupons this Black Friday? If yes, Life hacker Coupons would be an obvious recommendation. In fact, it comes with an exclusive sales portal for Black Friday. The best part about the platform is that it can be the all-inclusive option to grab the best deals for all types of product segments. Those who don’t have enough time to check through different sites for the best discounts can simply pay a visit to this one and crack the best ones.
Apart from these online platforms, most of the globally renowned retailers having their branches at different parts of the world also come up with exciting deals. In fact, platforms like The Good Guys and Kmart also come up with their dedicated online platforms.
Best hours to crack the deals:
Being a global phenomenon, black Friday sale certainly deserves some level of preparation. The process of publishing the deals starts from midnight itself. It means those interested should be prepared by the evening of Thursday itself to ensure no big deal is missed. One has to compromise laziness for the day. In addition, there remain the threats of massive traffic burden as well on the eve of Black Friday sales. Hence, those who want to crack the best deals should compromise with their sleep a bit as the traffic is obviously expected to be lesser during the initial hours.
In fact, most of the selling platforms also suggest that these night hours are the best hours to smoothly crack the deals. For example, Argos in the United Kingdom always suggests that hours between 3.30 to 4.30 am are the best hour to crack black Friday deals. Not just the United Kingdom, the same strategy can be effective for all other key parts of the world as well, including the United States and India.
Be careful about the scams:
Anything that creates a lot of buzzes is obvious to come associated with threats of scams. Keeping the huge interest around Black Friday, scammers are obvious to feel tempted. There are many instances of scams heard in Cyber Monday deals. The threat is thus always there for Black Friday.
Ultimately, it’s the buyers who have to be careful about these threats. The first and foremost advice for the buyers is that they should not share the details like credit card numbers or the details of logging in. At the same time, spam and unwanted mails should be kept at a distance. Specifically, the details of deals published over social media should not be taken in to account. Rather, irrespective of the platform it is published, one should first check the authentication of the same.
Update software:
It is suggested to make sure that the antivirus software installed within the system is thoroughly upgraded; specifically, the PC users should be careful about the same. Be it about credit, debit, or even payment platforms like PayPal; antivirus software update is important for a secure transaction with each.
It is often seen that some retailers unprecedentedly hike the prices of various products and commodities before Black Friday. This is a strategy to add a discount on the same products later and promote in a big way. It is thus recommended that one should enquire about the prices at least a week prior to buying. At least the prices of products to be bought should be enquired about.