Summer is near the end, which means Fall and Winter are just around the bend. No more hot Summer nights. Instead, we Utahns get to enjoy cold weather. It’s time to put away the shorts and tank tops and pull out our scarves and beanies. Nothing makes chilly nights better than sitting near an open fire and staring at the stars. Add some sparkle to your patio by adding a cobblestone fire pit. All Seasons Landscaping fire pit professionals with years of experience.
Integrating the outdoor fire pit into the landscaping design will add more space to your party or event area. Entertaining guest is much easier when the landscaping is included in the fire pit design. Plus, it increases your home’s value. Think of it as an investment not only for your event planning needs but for your home’s value too. Not to mention the unforgettable memories you’ll create with your family and friends in your new updated outdoor living space.
Landscaping fire pit designs are beautiful and create a welcoming environment, but it’s crucial that any family who owns a fire pit know how to react and what to do in an emergency situation. You dont want to face the flames without basic knowledge of what fire safety is. Along with that, it would be in a family’s best interest to be prepared for the worst-case scenario by owning a fire extinguisher and how to clean a burn wound.
Fire Pit Safety
The National Firepit Protection Association recommends the following:
- Check your city’s requirements. Some homes need permission before installing a fire pit. Check with your fire department for information.
- Fire pits need to be 25 feet away from any structures that can burn. I.e., homes, patios, dry leaves, overhanging branches, and shrubs.
- Avoid lighting a fire on windy and dry days. Utah weather is already dry so keep an eye out for any fire bans in your area.
- Do not leave a fire unattended. Many large fires begin with unattended firepits.
- Do not leave children unattended when using the firepit, even when roasting marshmallows. Tip: dont shake a burning marshmallow off the stick. A burning marshmallow is extremely hot and can cause second-degree burns if it lands on the skin.
- Avoid overloading your fire with flammables. A small fire is much easier to control than a large one.
- Gasoline should not be used to light a fire. Burning gas is toxic; try lighter fluid instead
- Be prepared with a hose, bucket of water, or shovel and sand to put out the coals and flames.
- Remember to STOP DROP AND ROLL if your clothes catch fire. Protect your face with your hands. Do not run. Once the flames are out, remove clothing and jewelry from the burn area.
How to Start a Fire Safely
- According to Smokey Bear, the following tips will help you start a fire safely:
- Have a source of water ready, in case of an emergency, or a shovel and gravel or sand.
- If you’re in the forest, DO NOT CUT DOWN ANY TREES, alive or dead. Dead trees are homes for animals, and live trees will cause more smoke. What we want is a controllable flame. That only comes from dry or dead wood.
- Clear out an area that is not obstructed by trees and away from flammable items
- Pile up some tinder in the center of the fire pit area. You can use dead or dried leaves. Some people bring lint from their dryer for this too.
- There are four methods of adding your kindle to the fire, Teepee, Lean-to, Log Cabin, Cross. The log cabin works best, in our experience
- Ignite the tinder
- As the fire grows, add more tinder
- Blow on the flames to ignite the kindle
- Add more kindle when necessary
- Keep the fire small to maintain control