Safety Of Hydrovacs For Construction Excavation

hydrovac excavation

There are many threats to the environment and workers on a building site, and you must reduce them as much as possible. You may want to opt for hydrovac excavation if you’re looking for a technique that won’t do too much damage to the earth and isn’t too intrusive. Using a pressure-exerting hose and then a vacuum to clean up the slimy combination left behind, this excavation is among the simplest but safest, and most effective available. Keep reading this article to know more about workers’ safety during hydrovac services.

Excavation In Construction: Hydrovacs And Worker Safety

Hydrovacing is a technique that uses pressured water to generate a slurry as an alternative to mechanical equipment. After the sludge has been sucked out, the underlying soil structure may be seen. Firms often use this technique for hydrovac excavation to expose buried utility lines and pipe networks safely. Hydrovacuuming is a reasonably safe technique. However, they must follow several protocols to guarantee everyone’s safety.

1.    Put on some safety gear.

Workers must always take precautions by using PPE during work. Eye and face protection, hand and foot protection, respiratory and auditory shields, and secure footwear are all examples of PPE. Employees may be protected from harm and can lessen the potential for damages from catastrophes. Hydrovacuuming is not hazardous. However, it is still wise to be safe rather than sorry.

2.    Maintain the gas lines.

Before using a hydrovac to dig, you must mark all gas lines with paint or poles. The lines should be dug out to a depth of 1 meter using a low-pressure hydrovac. The gas pipe will be laid bare. Daylighting is a common term for this method. Hydrovacing, which combines water pressure and vacuum suction to dig the soil, is especially effective when dealing with frozen ground or other challenging terrains.

3.    Underground wires

Coating the tips of your digging nozzles and the ends of your vacuum tubes with insulating materials is essential. Hydrovac services are used, so those subsurface utilities are not damaged. But steel-crown spikes are dangerous to utility lines and should be avoided at all expenses. Site safety protocols should consider all utility lines’ life and potentially dangerous; hydro vacuuming is generally considered a risk-free technique. Hence it is prudent to adhere to all applicable safety standards.

4.    Transmission lines in the ceiling

Safety measures must always be taken while working near overhead electrical lines. Whenever the line voltage is unknown, workers and their types of equipment must be kept at least 7 meters away. Companies that use hydro vacuums must provide reliable communication to prevent mishaps. A vacuum truck requires a certain amount of clearance to operate well. Working in an urban setting with overhead wires might be challenging. It may be necessary to alert the proper authorities to shut the power off during excavation.

5.    Guaranteeing the Welfare of Employees

Companies should always prioritize injury prevention and worker safety in the workplace. All crew members should follow the following safety measures to lessen the chance of accidents on the job: Each person doing a hydrovac excavation has to have a thorough understanding of the risks involved. Hydrovac truck operators need extensive excavation procedures and machinery safety training. Companies renting out hydrovac gear should insist that their customers use it only following the manufacturer’s guidelines.

6.    Develop a preventative measure

All possible risks and countermeasures should be laid out in a safety strategy. In an emergency, having a plan that lays out what should be done may be a huge help. Establishing and adhering to a thorough safety strategy during hydro vacuuming will eliminate potential harm.


Although hydrovac excavation is an easy and risk-free technique, it is not without its risks. To guarantee everyone’s safety throughout the process, hydrovac excavation companies should develop a comprehensive safety plan, should use appropriate protective gear, and everyone involved should have the necessary training and experience to operate a hydrovac truck.





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