Cats trailer drives Twitter insane and the memes are horrifying

Cats trailer

The music from Cats, the Broadway musical-turned-movie, is critically acclaimed. But you try and put people in cat suits, and fur sure, people are going to hiss and yowl about it.

The first trailer for the film came out Thursday, highlighting such stars as Taylor Swift, Idris Elba and Judi Dench converted into cats, complete with “digital fur.”

To be fair, it’s an almost impossible chore to blend humans and animals and make them not seem like something out of the Island of Doctor Moreau. Social media users found the combination a bit unnerving — particularly since the actors almost look naked in their feline get-ups. “Somehow the people in Cats look nuder than if they were nude, and it’s weird as hell,” wrote Gavia Baker-Whitelaw.

Some couldn’t resist matching the reaction to Cats to the recent response when Sonic the Hedgehog announced its movie character. The reaction was so negative that Sony went back to the drawing board to fix the character’s appearance. “(I don’t know), I think Taylor Swift looks good in the Cats trailer,” wrote Josh Kurp on Twitter, sharing a picture of the creepy, human-toothed Sonic.

Yes, there were Doctor Moreau comparisons. Joked author Cethan Leahy, “The new The Island of Doctor Moreau trailer looks very creepy but I’m not sure about all the singing.”

And the size of the cat-actors when combined with the sets seems off to some. “I own a very small cat,” wrote Emily Heller on Twitter. “She does not look this tiny on my bed.

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