With the food market boom in recent years, there is now a vast array of nutrients readily available for use. Nonetheless, with the substantial growth of the supplements industry, distinguishing between the truly useful supplements and the supplements which are nothing more than an experiment can be difficult. Spirulina is a widely used drug that many believe can have a positive health impact. The article will examine the possible benefits of taking spirulina.
Where’s Spirulina?
Spirulina is a cyanobacteria that is safe for human consumption, or “blue-green algae.” Although it can be consumed in powder form as a whole meal, it is commonly taken in the form of a tablet. Normally, spirulina develops in lakes and can even thrive in circumstances that are far too harsh for other species. As far as processing is concerned, spirulina is processed, frozen and then marketed as a paste, applied to particular liquids and products, or used in additives.
Spirulina is believed to have been used as a food source from as early as the 16th century and has been linked with a range of health benefits including reduced inflammation, lower cholesterol rates, lower blood pressure, and improved immune function.
Nutritional Value
Spirulina provides a wide range of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals which are all essential to health promotion. One heaped spirulina tablespoon (7 grams) includes nutrients such as:
• Protein – 4.02 grams
• Total Calories – 20
• Carbohydrates – 1.7 grams
• Fiber – 0.3 grams
• Fat – 0.54 grams
Spirulina has been observed to have a high protein level of 60 percent-65 percent that is much greater than most vegetables. Protein is a vital resource for growth and production and many studies suggest a high protein diet is used.
So, taking spirulina or incorporating it into foods and drinks can be a quick and easy way to improve daily protein intake for those who fail to eat enough protein every day.
The nutrients mentioned above play an extremely helpful function in maintaining good health.
Using spirulina daily will make sure you eat a broad range of high-quantity nutrients which will help your wellbeing greatly.
Spirulina health benefits
This segment would review the scientific literature reported on spirulina and its impact on human safety and work which supplementation has been shown to have.
While some experiments on spirulina have been conducted, they are a limited number and so many of these results lose weight and more research is needed to confirm many of these proposed benefits.
• Good nutritional profile –
Potassium, sodium and vitamin A are the three micro-nutrients present in the highest amounts in spirulina. Potassium and sodium all lead to fluid equilibrium, muscle relaxation, and nerve impulse control. Vitamin A plays a crucial role in maintaining the organs (heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, etc.) safe. Furthermore, vision, fertility and a balanced immune system are also necessary. Certain prominent nutrients contained in spirulina that contribute significantly to health include calcium and magnesium which both help maintain strong and healthy bones, control heart rate and contribute to a strong immune system.
• Better heart health –
It has been proposed that by reducing the amount of bad cholesterol and blood pressure, spirulina can have a positive effect on the skin. A new small-sided study examined the effect of spirulina supplementation on LDL rates and reported that consuming only 1 gram of spirulina every day over a 3-month span decreased LDL levels for participants by 10 percent.
There are a number of other reports that have used various dosages to examine the impact of spirulina on cholesterol levels. Results also tend to suggest that spirulina can actually lower rates of LDL.
• Properties anti-inflammatory –
Antioxidants help protect the body from oxidative stress. Spirulina provides an abundance of antioxidants and its regular consumption can help to reduce the effect of oxidative stress and thus reduce inflammation and the risk of developing a chronic illness. Spirulina’s main antioxidant is classified as phycocyanin, which is the agent that gives spirulina its greenish-blue color. Phycocyanin was found to be especially effective in inhibiting the inflammatory reaction.
• Quality Development –
The treatment of spirulina can also be beneficial in physical training. Oxidative stress is a by-product of exercise and can, therefore, reduce the amount of tension felt during exercise by eating a high number of antioxidants. A limited number of studies have shown that spirulina can actually improve strength and stamina capacities while improving the efficiency of exercise.
• Impact on health conditions –
While more work is needed to validate results, preliminary studies have suggested that spirulina may influence specific medical conditions positively. One recent study found that spirulina was effective at reducing a variety of allergic rhinitis-related symptoms. Furthermore, there is evidence to suggest that spirulina may also aid with type 2 diabetes management and hypertension.
Best possible ways to take spirulina
The two most common methods of taking spirulina as expressed here are:
• Tablet form –
If you are taking supplements such as multivitamins and fish oils daily, simply add a tablet of spirulina to your regimen. The amount of pills you take each day depends entirely on the dose of spirulina you wish to achieve. An intake of anything from 1-8 grams a day has usually been shown to have an impact on health.
• Powder Form –
Spirulina in powder form may be added to several different foods and drinks. The most simple way to add spirulina is by blending the substance with water, stirring it and eating. Stay mindful, however, that spirulina is usually an acquired taste and it might take time to get used to it.
When you find spirulina’s flavor overpowering or unpleasant to drink, consider adding it to a smoothie or fruit juice instead. Not only will the drink become much more palatable, but it will also raise the micro-nutrient content while growing the potential health benefits by including fruits.
Spirulina can be applied to a variety of foods like vegetables, stores, soups, stews, pesto, hummus, omelets, and balls of energy.
• Is Spirulina right for you? –
Bearing in mind that spirulina nourishes the body in large quantities with a variety of essential micronutrients, it can be stated unequivocally that spirulina can have a beneficial effect on health and work. Evidence has shown, as illustrated in previous articles, that spirulina can have a significant benefit for health and wellness. Those with chronic medical conditions such as asthma, anemia, and hypertension may also use it, but more research is needed to validate this.
• Spirulina side effects –
It should be remembered that a few spirulina users reported a few adverse side effects involving headaches, hurts, diarrhea, allergic reactions, and insomnia.
Those who suffer from the condition known as phenylketonuria (or PKU), should not take spirulina because it includes an amino acid known as phenylalanine which they can not break down. Alternatively, anyone suffering from an autoimmune condition involving multiple sclerosis, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis should also limit spirulina ingestion.
Ultimately, spirulina can interact with medication and therefore, it is necessary to consult a medical professional before beginning spirulina supplementation.
Bottom Line-
While more work on spirulina is needed to confirm the health effects of supplementing it, a variety of benefits associated with spirulina also exist. That said, it should be combined with care and those with medical conditions should check with their doctor before taking spirulina.
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