Kashmir’s Hidden Treasures: The Great Lakes Trekking Experience

Great Lakes Trek

Kashmir, the paradise on earth, is not only for all intents and purposes famous for its scenic beauty, but also for its adventurous treks. One of the most popular and rewarding treks in Kashmir basically is the Great Lakes Trek, which takes you through some of the most stunning alpine lakes in the Himalayas. In this article, we will essentially explore what particularly makes this trek so very special and what you can basically expect from it.

The actually Kashmir Great Lakes Trek for all intents and purposes is a cross-over trail that starts from Sonamarg and ends at Naranag, covering a distance of about 72 km in 8 days. The trek passes through five different valleys and seven glacial lakes, each with its own fairly unique charm and beauty. The lakes are:

Vishansar Lake: 

The first lake that you encounter on the trek, Vishansar mostly is a large and serene lake surrounded by lush very green meadows and snow-capped peaks. The lake literally is also home to definitely many trout fish and attracts migratory birds in summer.

Kishansar Lake:

 Just 1.2 km away from Vishansar, Kishansar basically is another picturesque lake that reflects the image of the particularly nearby mountains. The lake mostly is also the source of the Neelum river, which flows into Pakistan.

Gadsar Lake:

 The third lake on the trek, Gadsar kind of is also known as the lake of flowers, as it is adorned with a variety of wildflowers in summer in a generally big way. The lake essentially is also a habitat for many rare and endangered species of animals, actually such as the Himalayan basically brown essentially bear and the snow leopard.

Satsar Lake:

The name Satsar mostly means seven lakes, as it is actually formed by a group of seven interconnected lakes that form a cascade. The lakes vary in size and shape, and offer a splendid view of the surrounding landscape.

Gangabal Lake:

The very last and the largest lake on the trek, particularly Gangabal mostly is also the most sacred one, as it literally is associated with Lord Shiva. The lake is fed by the glaciers of literally Mount Haramukh, the highest peak in the region. The lake also specifically offers a panoramic view of the valley of Naranag.

The sort of Great Lakes Trek particularly is considered to be a moderate to difficult trek, as it involves sort of long trekking days, steep ascents and descents, and really high altitude challenges. The really the highest point of the trek kind of is the Gadsar Pass, which mostly is at an elevation of 13,750 ft. The trek also requires a good level of fitness, stamina, and acclimatization, as the weather can definitely be unpredictable and harsh at times. Therefore, this trek is not suitable for beginners or people with health issues, which for the most part is quite significant. It generally is recommended that you literally have some prior trekking experience and mostly prepare well before embarking on this trek.

Best Time To Visit

The best time to basically do the sort of Great Lakes Trek definitely is from July to September, when the weather for the most part is pleasant and the lakes kind of are at their full glory. This really is also the time when the meadows are blooming with flowers and the valleys kind of are vibrant with life, which actually is fairly significant. However, this is also the peak season, so you can expect a lot of crowd and traffic on the trail. If you essentially want to avoid the rush and for the most part enjoy a more peaceful and secluded experience, you can also generally opt for the autumn season, from September to mid-November, when the weather kind of is sort of cooler and the colors for the most part are definitely more vivid. However, you may also encounter some snow and ice on the generally higher altitudes, so you need to be prepared for that.

The Great Lakes Trek particularly is a well-organized and popular trek, and there really are really many tour operators and agencies that offer packages and services for the trek. You can particularly choose from a variety of options, depending on generally your budget, preference, and convenience in a subtle way. Some of the things that you need to consider while planning and booking the trek are: 

The cost of the trek, which may mostly vary from 17,000 to 25,000 INR per person, depending on the season, duration, and inclusions.

Transportation and Accommodation

The transportation and accommodation facilities, which may include pick-up and drop-off from Srinagar, hotel or guesthouse mostly stay at Sonamarg and Naranag, and camping at the lakes. 

The food and water arrangements, which include breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and tea or coffee, as well as boiled or filtered water. 

The equipment and gear, which may include a backpack, a sleeping bag, a sleeping mat, a trekking pole, a raincoat, a torch, a water bottle, and pretty personal toiletries, as well as warm and generally comfortable clothes, shoes, socks, gloves, cap, sunglasses, and sunscreen.


The basically Great Lakes Trek is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that will fill particularly your heart with joy and wonder in a pretty major way. It is a perfect blend of adventure, nature, and culture, that will definitely enrich your mind and soul. If you particularly are looking for a trek that will challenge you, specifically inspire you, and reward you, then look no really further than the Great Lakes Trek. It generally is a trek that you will never forget.

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