2020 Mandatory UX Goals for Designers

UX Goals for Designers

Technology plays a huge role in everyone’s life and we all are dependent on technology. And today we have various emerging technologies that we use to accomplish various tasks in our lives.

UX stands for a user experience that is the total sum of perceptions and emotions that user experiences with a website, product or software. UX design services are all about creativity, designers should create a positive response so the user will return often and stay longer. A good product is what which meet customer’s need and the qualities of a good product is it should be simple, attractive and engaging. But it is not as easy as it looks because it is an interconnected process. First, never-ending user’s expectations and second UX design application requirements continuously becoming higher so it is impossible to conclude which one is the reason and which one is the consequence.

Competition is very high in this field. Users will move to your competitor in a blink of an eye so make sure that their experience is never less than satisfactory.

“For meaningful and valuable user experience information must be useful, usable, desirable and findable according to Peter Morville.”


 Here Are 5 Ux Goals for Designers, Should Keep in Mind

  1. Simplify texts.
  2. Informative feedback.
  3. Maintain UX consistency.
  4. Create an enjoyable product.
  5. Test everything with real users.

 Simplify Texts

Complicated and unclear texts translate to intellectual overload. Opening a website with a picture and seeing a huge brick of text will automatically give a signal to your mind as too much efforts before even we start reading. UX designers should make sure that the user feels do not work to operate your software. Make short sentences, use simple languages, simple vocabulary and a readable structure. Never underestimate the power of good fonts and if the long text is necessary to make sure the format is visually appealing and digestible.

If you will achieve this UX goal it will help a lot to improve usability and will go a long way.

Informative Feedback

Imagine you are standing at the corner of your local café and you want to order a coffee and no one is paying attention to you and you are still in confusion either the order is placed or not. There is no indication whether the order was received, you are waiting if the barista needs a minute to catch up on previous orders or just didn’t hear you. You will feel frustrated. The same goes for technology. Leaving your customers in confusion whether their request has been submitted or not would be a great distraction as they will not wait around to find out. Visual cues that do not interrupt the users flow are one of the best ways to illustrate feedbacks. Animations, progress bars and buttons that are highlighted over a click seem to be a valid option.

The next part of good feedback is the guidance that you should offer in the next step once the action is completed.

Maintain Ux Consistency

 Consistency is the most important factor if you want users to hold on to your website. And making consistency will make users to get familiar with the services. Users like to know the sense that what to expect. They get comfortable navigating around the website. If you are ignoring this factor then it will result in a loss of customer loyalty. You can ensure the productivity of your business by maintaining consistency.

Create an Enjoyable Product

while making UX design services we must take care of the needs of users as it is crucial for the users to enjoy services. UX list is incomplete without this one if not on the list. By using engaging graphics and attractive animations we will make our design fun and functional. If your users come back, again and again, that means your website is serving a great user experience. People want to have fun even they are using business tools.

The more cheerful the design of the website is the more great user experience you will get.

Test Everything With Real Users

Testing your product is a must and until you put your product in front of a user you won’t know what works for your website the best. No product would launch in the market without user testing. It is like selling a book of recipes no one has ever tried. Set objective type questions to take users feedback instead of what do you think about this app. The questions should be short, simple and specific and avoid using yes-no answers no one takes that seriously.

“According to a research scrolling is faster than paging and each time user clicks into a new page there’s an average 6.5 seconds refresh time.”


Final Thoughts

 So these were some mandatory goals for designers in 2019 that will surely help to enhance user experience. Incorporating these factors while designing UX services will make the user visit your website more often. These aspects include simplification of words, paying attention to customer’s needs, maintaining consistency, create an eye-catchy interesting product that users will enjoy operating and last but not least testing the product and take customer reviews to make changes or improve accordingly.

Users appreciate easy and efficient appeal so including these products in your product will give you great user experience.

Author Bio: Hemant Parmar is a one of a kind developer, gathering vast knowledge on all the technological advancements of today along with the strong business background of over 9 years of experience makes him an enthusiastic consultant in this field. Hemant is the one who finds answers for his clients to assist them with building and keep up a solid relationship in the market.




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