Ex porn star Mia Khalifa claims she only earned $12,000 from her background in the adult entertainment industry.
Addressing her 2.7million Twitter followers, the 26-year-old spoke about her earnings until she left the profession behind four years ago.
She wrote: “People think I’m racking in millions from porn. I earned a TOTAL of about $12,000 in the industry and never saw a penny again after that. Trouble finding a normal job after leaving porn was… scary.”
Khalifa is still one of the biggest stars in the industry despite only working for three months.
She said the turning point in her profession was when she started receiving death warnings for shooting an X-rated scene wearing a hijab.
People think I’m racking in millions from porn. Completely untrue. I made a TOTAL of around $12,000 in the industry and never saw a penny again after that. Difficulty finding a normal job after quitting porn was… scary. Full interview here: https://t.co/xHK7SmhfrY pic.twitter.com/fwJlyzHznq
— Mia K. (@miakhalifa) August 12, 2019
To explain, I was never guaranteed ‘millions’, nor do I expect it,” she wrote on Twitter.
“I’m just clarifying popular misconceptions about me, and in turn, about the industry.”
“I was involved in porn so temporarily, but my actions spread like wildfire, and I continue to be listed (truly baffles me) 5 years after leaving the industry.
“This is why people believe I still perform.”
The disclosures came after a YouTube video was posted on Monday night of Khalifa discussing her life.
Khalifa said this was her opportunity to “tell her story for the first time,” and claimed that coming out of the porn industry was “terrifying.”
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She previously admitted in 2014 she had been targeted by ISIS, after she appeared in the hijab scene.
Speaking on her YouTube, she said: “The turning point, of course, was when I did the hijab scene.
“That is when the ISIS death warnings came in, all of the news broke out… globally. Not just in America. It was trending on Twitter, it was all across the news.
“I was banned from some of the countries… Egypt… Afghanistan… Very Muslim countries were deeply offended by it, and I’m Catholic.
“The day after the scene dropped is when everything blew up.
“I moved from 400 followers on Instagram to like 200,000 in three days and then it just kept snowballing till I was at two million like six months later.
“This was later I had left porn. It just kept growing and growing, and then my Instagram account was hacked by ISIS.”
Following the posts about her incomes, some declined to believe the figure was correct.
One Twitter user wrote: “Ye ok but you made more then you claimed or you got scammed big time. [sic]”