If you have a keen interest in compiling or writing a good blog post, then you are in the right place. Why not take a foot forward to know the journey of writing a blog post to its publication? After all, crafting a quality blog is a creative skill of sharing thoughts and information. We are here with a complete guide to mark a full – stop to all your queries, including “how to write a blog post?” Invest your decent amount of time in reading this content piece to vast your blog writing & publishing skills.
Here’s a guide to follow How to write a blog post. Take a deep dive into it –
Step 1: Blog preparation
Before you get behind the wheel, first prepare yourself for it. For a productive blog post, pay close attention at distinct points, essential to accomplish the goal. Check out the below-listed points and put them into your practice.
- Know the purpose: The primary goal of blogs is to connect you to digital readers. Therefore, several contents are published on different platforms to serve different purposes. They can either be entertaining or informative. So, one should invest their time in sensing the purpose of their post.
- Prepare a blueprint: The majority of writers continue writing blogs without making a proper blueprint. Add extra time to prepare a good blueprint by structuring your piece with subheadings, wrapping it with a few words of conclusion, etc.
Step 2: Do the research work
After finalizing the blog topic and its structure, the next focal point is the high research of low competition keywords. There are various tools to conduct proper keyword research, and SEMRush is a perfect tool to carry forward your research. Find those keywords on the tool, you sense a good chance to rank high. A little research will lead you to positive results.
Step 3: Kick-off writing
Now it’s time to gear up your blog writing. As now you possess the quality keywords along with the complete blog structure, the next move is to heighten the reader’s interest in writing down quality content. Captivate your audience by covering all the concepts in your writing material and highlighting the core concepts providing the subheadings and headings. Besides these tips, we have rounded up a few points that should also walk hand in hand to write a quality blog.
- A good introduction: Gain the attention of readers by gearing up your blog writing with a perfect introduction. After the title, an introduction is that content part that should nail down the audience’s interest to read more.
- Create subheadings: Writing the blog becomes easy when you write content under each subhead. The bonus point is that it catches the eyeballs of the readers. Sub – headed sections are the essential piece of the blog post. It allows the writer to make each concept more scannable for the readers.
- Conclusion: Conclude the content with perfect lines that could convince everyone to implement your advice, discussed in the blog. In this section, you can use the call to action words.
Step 4: Content Editing
After the writing phase has been completed, the next step is the editing in which you have to go through the whole blog and inspect the errors, including grammatical mistakes, improper sentence fragmentation, and clarity, etc. Reach your editing goals by using advanced tools like Grammarly or using spell checks. All these tools will not only provide assistance spotting the mistakes in your blog but also check for plagiarism if the written content is copied or not.
Step 5: Ready to Publish
Now your blog content is ready to publish on the website. But at the same time, prior to sharing your content, you should consider a few things as it can help to increase the reach. So, go through it-
Tips to consider before publishing the blog
- Add images: Sum up a header image to not only give the blog an appealing look but also to share it on social sites. After all, they are the ideal platform to hike up the searches of your blog.
- Social media presence: Another great idea is to gain the attention of the social audience on several platforms. All you have to share your post along with a small description to increase its reach. By doing this, people can easily find your post and react over it.
Tips to consider after publishing the blog post
There are a number of things you can do after posting your blog on air. Several tricks or tips you can try to reach hundreds of readers or generate more traffic. Check it out-
- Capture the reader’s attention by sharing it on social media profiles that tend to increase the reach to the content you served.
- Another thing you can do is to share it on various Facebook or other social media groups to see the people’s reaction over it.
- Increase the engagement of social audiences by creating a social media campaign to promote your blog post.
Writing an online journal is a creative practice that allows you to present your thoughts or any informative content in front of the digital audience. If this practice is done properly, then it can generate positive results. Prepare a quality blog post that could amuse the readers. Writing a blog is now easy with this guide. Isn’t it? So, what are you waiting for? Start writing today!
Author Bio:
Ravi Sharma, CEO of Webomaze is a highly enthusiastic entrepreneur. His love for making every business reach the greatest heights in their industry made him establish his Web Development & Digital Marketing Company delivering the best eCommerce development & Local SEO services. He has got a great grip on the idea of effective eCommerce Strategies, SEO processes, and tactics which are vital for virtual exposure. He is a fun-loving person and a keen traveler who always hunts to find adventure in new places.