The costs of most pet surgeries start at four figures. However, if you implement pet safety measures in your home, you’re less likely to receive this bill.
There are plenty of ways to pet-proof your home. Read on to learn about a few of them.
Look at Things From a Pet Point of View
Before you look for different house hazards, try getting down on all fours. It’s easy to miss different dangerous items from the average human’s point of view.
Of course, make sure that you properly clean up the floor before you get in this position. That way, you won’t injure your hands or other body parts. Then, you can start searching.
Don’t Let Animals Access Human Foods
First, clean up any food messes on your floor. Most human foods probably won’t hurt your animals. However, there are many common foods that can poison them.
Some of these are ones you might not expect. For example, you may know that chocolate is toxic to dogs and cats. However, you may not know that grapes, onions, and some nuts are also dangerous to these animals.
In the same vein, make sure that your animals can’t easily access human foods. Secure your trash and lock your cabinets. Also, don’t put foods in places where your pet or pets can reach them.
Be Mindful of the Chemicals You Use
Many cleaning and pest control chemicals are toxic to both humans and animals. However, animals are not smart enough to know what they should avoid. Therefore, make sure that you keep dangerous chemicals out of their reach.
There are also many chemicals that are dangerous to these animals and not humans. Some examples are a few, but definitely not all, essential oils. Peppermint, eucalyptus, and others are dangerous for cats and dogs (source: AromaTech).
Therefore, practice pet home safety by not using these chemicals in your home.
Only Have Pet-Safe Plants in the Home
Many plants can also poison animals if they eat them. For example, don’t let cats eat even small pieces of different lily plants. This can give them serious liver damage.
Plants that are toxic to dogs include mistletoe, yew, and more.
Therefore, before buying a new plant, consider looking at a list of pet-friendly plants. That way, you can take the proper pet safety precautions by only putting safe plants in your home.
If You Enjoyed This Pet Safety Article, Look At Some Others
Along with this pet safety advice, be sure to ask your vet for some as well. With all their experience in pet care, they will know how to keep your pet safe. For example, you can bring a list of the different plants and foods in your home and ask if they are safe.
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