Steps To resign From Your Present Job Gracefully

At a certain point in your career, you might feel the need to quit your existing job. There may be plenty of reasons for you to resign, but you will always have to keep in mind the need to resign professionally. When you leave a company or an organization on a positive note, it will lead to many networking opportunities for your career growth.

What are the possible reasons for any person to quit their job? 

You might have decided to quit the company for one of several reasons, from internal politics, low pay, insufficient work hours, to working overtime. Make sure you think twice if the reasons are worth resigning from your position. When you are sure about quitting the job, give it a last try by explaining the reasons to your HR or your manager and decide if admissible changes are made. 

Steps to resign from a position

Follow these steps to resign from your existing job professionally:

  • Finalize your job with your new employer
  • Write a professional resignation letter/email
  • Make sure you let your manager know about your resignation before revealing it to someone else
  • Present your resignation letter to the MD or the HR in person
  • Serve the prescribed notice period
  • Prepare yourself for an exit interview
  • Do not forget to ask for a reference


  1. Finalize your job with your new employer

If you are ending your existing position for a better opportunity, make sure that you finalize all the details with the new employer. Ensure that you respond professionally to the offer letter and have scheduled your joining date with the company. This will help you prevent a gap in your career, Or if you are still looking for one, prepare a modern professional resume to ensure that you have the right resume for your next job hunting. 

2. Write a professional resignation letter

Pen down a short letter explaining how fortunate you are for having worked with the company. The resignation letter should always sound calm and professional. Ensure you specify the last date of your work. 

Below is a sample professional resignation letter for your reference:

Your Name

Current Job Title

Current Company’s Name


State, City, Pincode


Date of Resignation

Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs.:

I would like to inform you that I am resigning from my position as XXX for company YYY, effective August 1’ 2021. 

I appreciate the opportunities for professional career development that you’ve given me over the past three years. I have enjoyed my tenure at company YYY, and in particular feel honoured to have been part of such an amazing team.

If I can be of any help during this transition, please let me know. I am available to help train my replacement and will ensure all my reports are updated before my last day of work.

Thank you again for the opportunity to work at Company YYY. I wish you all the best and look forward to staying in touch. You can email me at ZZZ.


Your Signature

3. Make sure you let your manager know about your resignation before revealing it to someone else

Ensure that you reveal your resignation to the manager first so that he can prepare the exit arrangements accordingly. Schedule a date to meet with them in person and offer your resignation. Revealing this to your manager also allows you an opportunity to tell your transition plan, making it easier for your manager.


4. Present your resignation letter to the MD or HR in person

Instead of sending an email, it is more professional to offer your resignation letter in person. As mentioned earlier, schedule a date and time with your MD or HR and ensure you give yourself enough time to present your plans and discuss the company’s issues. When questioned about the reason behind your resignation, give an honest reply. There are chances of your MD or HR giving you a counteroffer that’s better than the new position.

5. Prepare yourself for an exit interview

Some positions require an exit interview as a part of the resignation process. Exit interviews are generally conducted by the HR or MD of the company. Address it like a normal interview by dressing professionally and preparing a little in advance. You will be asked about your time at the company and how it helped you grow as an individual. Ensure your answers remain professional and positive.

6. Do not forget to ask for a reference

During the last days of your job, ask your employer or colleagues about them being references. Be calm and polite while asking and let them know how grateful you are to have worked with them. Your positive relationship with your colleagues will play a major role in gaining references for your future opportunities. Try to have your manager as a reference as it is a very valuable asset an employee can have.

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About the Author: admin

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