Heart is the most important organ in the human body as it sends oxygen to all other body organs. As all organs are linked via veins & arteries, the blood flow helps in the proper functioning of every body part. Since the human body is fragile, it can easily be prone to health breakdowns and diseases without good care. Heart conditions have become quite common throughout the world in recent years. Heart attack, cardiac arrest, arrhythmia, heart failure, stroke, and hypertension are some of the most severe heart problems.
All of these disorders may be caused by genetic factors, old age, or other underlying diseases. Heart surgery may be necessary in severe cases to restore the heart’s proper functioning.
Various types of heart surgery
• Congenital heart surgery –
As the name suggests, this is performed in the head, i.e. family history, for the diagnosis of inherited diseases.
• Arrhythmia surgery –
The surgical procedure is undertaken to fix heart rhythm abnormalities.
• Aortic surgery-
To repair and replace aortic dissections & aneurysms, this surgical procedure is performed.
• Aortic valve surgery –
The main motive behind this operation is that a damaged aortic valve is removed or repaired.
•Myectomy –
Myectomy is done to remove a section from the heart’s extended surface.
• Heart transplant –
This is an innovative surgical procedure to bypass the heart of the required amount of oxygenated blood that can not be delivered to all organs.
•Coronary artery bypass surgery –
CABD is used to manage acute coronary heart disease, i.e. as plaque accumulates in the arteries
• Angioplasty –
This is achieved to unblock or expand the arteries that have been narrowed & diverted.
Best diet after heart surgery
A healthy diet not only helps to prevent, but it also aims to cure all kinds of health conditions, including heart disease. Nutritious foods will help you stay healthy inside and outside. The body of a man is like a machine. So, if you don’t load it with the right gasoline, all its sections can become jammed and redundant.
If an individual has had heart surgery, a healthy diet can play a significant role in his rehabilitation. Eating nutritious foods will help minimize the surgery’s after-effects when helping to restore health. Here are the best foods you need to consume after having cardiac surgery to help you recover.
•Fruits & vegetables
Fruits are one of the most delicious and healthiest products. That helps purifies the blood and produce the body’s electricity. Fruits can aid with calcium, phosphorus, minerals and fiber quality to improve heart health.
Vegetables are also a great source of vitamins, potassium, nutrients, folate, starch, and other essential components. Therefore, as many green leafy vegetables as possible should be eaten. Kale, spinach, lettuce, and collard greens are some examples of heart-friendly vegetables, etc.
•Whole grains –
Whole grains are highly nutritious, i.e., fiber-rich foods. Germ, Protein & Endosperm. Whole grains help eliminate the body’s bad cholesterol, thus reducing the chances of a heart condition. Types of whole grains contain brown rice, beans, cereals, quinoa, barley and whole wheat, and so on.
•Berries –
As these very high in antioxidants and nutrients, Berries are considered to be the best heart-friendly products. In your diet plan, you must include various types of berries, such as mango, blueberry, blackberry, and raspberry, etc.
•Walnuts –
Walnuts are an excellent source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and omega-3s. In medical research, walnuts have proven to reduce the risk of heart diseases by eliminating bad cholesterol from the body. Thus, you need to consume a few walnuts regularly to restore your heart health.
•Dark Chocolate –
Dark chocolate made with more than 70% cocoa content will help restore the protection of your heart and prevent more complications. Dark chocolate is abundant in antioxidants that help to improve your cardiovascular health.
•Avoid trans fats –
Trans Fats, from your skin, are very dangerous to your overall body wellbeing. Excessive consumption of trans-fats can contribute to blockage of the arteries, i.e. Poor cholesterol, which also contributes to heart disease. Some of the trans-fat-rich foods contain baking goods, biscuits, desserts, microwave-made popcorn, etc.
•Saturated fats –
Excessive saturated fat intake can result in arterial blockage due to plaque accumulation. Furthermore, following heart surgery, you need to avoid foods containing saturated fats. Many common examples of these items include dairy products full-fat, bacon, milk, fatty beef, meat, etc.
•Almonds –
Almonds are high in fiber and healthy fats that help restore the safety of your heart while preventing future problems. Medical studies have shown that almonds can be of great assistance in reducing cholesterol levels. That’s why you need your daily diet to include almonds.
•Healthy Seeds –
When growing a whole crop, a tiny seed will help to show how strong and nutritious it can be. Some plants, such as chia seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, and hemp seeds, are very high in proteins, minerals and fatty acids of omega-3. It may be included in the diet plan to help prevent heart problems, cholesterol issues, and increases in blood pressure.
•Fish with healthy fats –
Most types of fish produce healthy fats and fatty acids of omega-3. Both of these materials help to restore heart health more rapidly following surgery. Examples cover trout, cod, sardines, mackerel, and so on.
•Green tea –
Green tea provides numerous health benefits such as vitamins, induction of insulin, and weight loss. Medical research has shown that green tea can help to reduce inflammation and cell damage. Therefore, by regulating cholesterol levels, it can easily improve your heart health and avoid further damage.
•Other foods –
Certain food items that can help restore heart health include rice, lentils, potatoes, onions, lean meats, dried fruit, fat-free dairy products, and so on.
Bottom Line-
Furthermore, with your eating habits, you need to take proper precautions to avoid heart disease. If for some cause you have had heart surgery, you need a health-friendly diet plan. You will quickly improve the safety of your heart by including these food items in your daily life, while also preventing future heart problems.
You can also visit a certified dietician to request a customized diet plan for you. The food provides for 80 percent of your overall health and 20 percent of the remainder relies on exercise.
Health Article 1-9/1/2020
“Health is wealth”. Why is the health is the most important part of our?. Health is a complete state of both physical and mental activities. We should follow some healthy habits in our regular activities. Health is nothing but includes all concern about the happy living.