Popularly known as the “mother of all grains,” Quinoa has grown in South America five thousand years ago and has since become a staple in the world owing to its nutritious and easy-to-prepare properties. As a consequence, it has gradually globalized and is now regarded by the health-conscious to be one of the better superfoods to eat.
What is quinoa?
Quinoa is a pseudo-cereal rich in protein, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins. While quinoa acts as a whole grain, it is indeed a plant seed called goosefoot. Quinoa is slightly nutty when baked, smooth and fluffy. Flakes, flour and foods such as bread and pasta can be made as well.
Quinoa seeds come in many different forms and colors. Nevertheless, the most widely collected for consumption are green, purple, and black plants. The most popular’ green’ quinoa requires the shortest quantity to cook and has the mildest taste and crunchy feel, while the’ red’ quinoa is considered to be heavy in color. On the other hand, the’ black’ quinoa is the most flavorful and crunchy which requires the longest cooking time. Besides these colors, quinoa is also available in yellow, grey, orange, purple, pink, green or yellow, which gives the consumer a wide variety of choices.
is Quinoa healthy?
Quinoa is a good source of vitamin B6, calcium, starch, iron, thiamine, copper. Additionally, it is considered an excellent source of phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, and folate. Hence the uncommon structure and excellent protein and fat balance together with minerals, enzymes, vitamins, and fatty acids make it a highly nutritious food.
Health benefits of quinoa
Quinoa is generally free of gluten –
If one falls within the spectrum of gluten-sensitivity, celiac disease or gluten intolerance, quinoa is the best alternative to a gluten-free diet as it can dramatically increase your diet’s nutrient and antioxidant value. It can be used as an alternative to other gluten-free food items such as potato, tapioca, and corn. It is also nutritionally healthier than pasta, as it contains the necessary intake of protein, calcium, magnesium, and fiber to render the diet more healthy while fulfilling the condition’s dietary requirements.
A wealthy source of protein
Quinoa is considered to be one of the only plant foods which are a complete protein food comprising all nine essential amino acids that the body can not create alone. It is a type of essential amino acids such as lysine, methionine, and tryptophan. It has more maize, corn, barley, and oats than fat. In fact, providing protein on your plate is important for proper nutrition and for preserving food, skin, tissue, bone, and bones.
Loaded with minerals
Most people lack adequate essential nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. Quinoa, particularly magnesium and iron, is very strong in all four minerals. Magnesium tends to open blood vessels and helps to reduce type 2 diabetes while promoting healthy levels of blood sugar and keeping the body healthy, away from fatigue, muscle cramps, and insomnia.
Iron is another resource that is required in the human body for a number of processes. The mineral is mostly necessary for our red blood cells to function properly, stronger and healthy muscle metabolism; and better brain functioning. Quinoa is full of iron and is the best food for people with iron deficiency.
Rich quality food compounds
Quinoa includes a considerable amount of flavonoids. Flavonoids are a specific type of antioxidant that fail to prevent diseases like osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. Two large amounts of flavonoids are Quercetin and Kaempferol. It has been shown that these flavonoids have anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-depressant properties which help keep yourself safe and happy.
Improves healthy skin
Quinoa includes lysine, a key ingredient in the production of collagen and elastin which is a building block. This helps repair damaged skin and counterbalances the heat and emissions penetration oxidizing the influence of free radicals. It also helps to reduce brown spots, as the vitamin B present in quinoa decreases the deposits of dark melanin that contribute to marks with aging and other problems linked to pigments.
Weight loss and quinoa
Because quinoa is insoluble fiber, it helps increase the feeling of fullness, leaving you fuller for longer, and helping to lose weight. Since it is also high in dietary fiber and protein, it improves appetite and decreases food cravings, reducing calorie intake as a result. Replacing conventional grains such as rice or wheat with quinoa could be a small change that will provide more protein and fiber to help achieve weight loss goals.
Quinoa is especially useful for vegetarians who are trying to lose weight and have trouble finding food that will fill them up. Quinoa is also low on the glycemic index (GI), and this means that quinoa is safe for diabetes and helps to control blood sugar. Quinoa is, therefore, an ideal choice for people who are weight-conscious, because it helps reduce hunger and also adds a nice flavor to food.
Quinoa Nutritional Quality
A cup of cooked quinoa’s nutritional value is:
- Total calories: 222 Cal
- Protein: 8 gm
- Carbs: 39 gm
- Fiber: 5 gm
- Fat: 4 gm
- Carbs: 39 gm
Millets vs. Quinoa
Quinoa is a rarity among grains and is a complete protein comprising the nine essential amino acids. It contains around 6 grams of protein per serving (1⁄2 cup). On the other side, millets miss the essential amino acids and have a low overall protein. Nonetheless, apart from the protein disparity, millets and quinoa are both excellent choices because they are both abundant sources of fiber and antioxidants that combat diseases that cause free radicals.
Quinoa preparation is very close to rice in terms of cooking and it requires about 15 minutes to cook. Nevertheless, Millets is more difficult to prepare since it quadruples in thickness. Millets are fluffy grains with lots of water that gives a texture between pasta and mashed potatoes. All grains have moderate tastes when consumed, but, when contrasted, millets have a heavy nutty taste and texture.
Bottom Line-
Quinoa is a gluten-free, pseudo-cereal high in nutrients, calcium, minerals, and vitamins. It contains all 9 essential amino acids which make it a great option for vegans, vegetarians, and people who try to cut meat down. Quinoa is also high in B-vitamins which contribute to the body’s metabolic reactions, converting food into energy fuel. Eating quinoa often decreases blood pressure and cholesterol, thereby decreasing the risk of heart disease. In fact, owing to its nutrient-dense qualities, quinoa is considered the best substitute to rice and can thus be inculcated in a diet that satisfies both fitness and health objectives.
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