How Pelvic Floor Issue Make Life Difficult and What You Can Do About It

Pelvic Floor Issue

Pelvic floor dysfunction is a common condition that can result in a number of unwanted effects. The pelvic floor consists of muscles and connective tissues that provide the foundation and support for the pelvic organs, such as the bladder, rectum, uterus, vagina, and prostate.

If you suspect you have issues with your pelvic floor, there are a variety of ways you can manage symptoms as well as strengthen and balance the pelvic floor. Glendale physical therapy is one method that is effective.

Effects of Pelvic Floor Issues

Pelvic floor issues are caused by a number of things:

  • Pregnancy
  • Trauma to the pelvis, such as a vehicle crash
  • Obesity
  • Pelvic surgery
  • Age
  • Overuse of the pelvic muscles

Weakening or incoordination of the pelvic muscles can result in a variety of symptoms. There is a good chance you have pelvic floor dysfunction if you notice:

  • Fecal or urinary incontinence
  • Long-term constipation
  • Pain with urination
  • Frequent need to go to the bathroom
  • Pain in the low back or in the pelvic region
  • Erectile dysfunction

Pelvic floor dysfunction can occur in both men and women. If you have any of these symptoms, you may benefit from physical therapy in Scottsdale.

Strategies To Deal With It

People who have pelvic floor dysfunction often discover that it improves more effectively with the use of more than one treatment method.

Physical Therapy

One thing that many individuals find is that physical therapy in Ahwatukee is very effective in improving issues with the pelvic floor. Make sure your physical therapist has trained for pelvic floor treatment, as some of the methods used differ from traditional physical therapy.

During the initial exam, the physical therapist will examine the muscles that surround and attach to the pelvis for tenderness, pain, or tightness. There may also be an internal exam, in which the physical therapist assesses the pelvic muscles for tone, tenderness, and elasticity. The therapist will also test your ability to voluntarily contract and relax the muscles.

Based on what the physical therapist finds, you will be given a recommended treatment plan, which will consist of a variety of methods. One may be biofeedback, as this is one of the most common treatments for the pelvic floor. This method helps to retrain the muscles to improve their coordination.

Manual therapy or trigger point work, both externally and internally, may be used to help reduce tightness. Electrical stimulation helps to activate the muscles, while dry needling may be used to reduce pain and restore proper function.

Exercises at Home

There is a good chance that your physical therapist will recommend a series of exercises to restore coordination and strengthen the muscles. The therapist will demonstrate how to do them and then guide you, so that you do them correctly. Then, there is a good chance you will be sent home with the instructions so that you can conduct them at home on a daily basis.

Relaxation Techniques

If your muscles have a hard time relaxing, you may also be given relaxation techniques to do. These may include meditation, yoga, warm baths, or acupuncture.

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