The importance of our diet in maintaining our health cannot be neglected. We can find many elements of our diet, working together to keep us running. Small changes in our diet could have larger impacts on our body. So, the same is applicable in the case of a Ketogenic diet. When you are on a Ketogenic diet, the stakes are higher, and you would have to be careful in choosing the vegetables for your diet.
All vegetable is not good!
Why? Vegetables are good sources of vitamins and minerals, right? That’s not the case! If you are not careful about the kind of vegetables you eat on a Ketogenic diet, you could be consuming more carbohydrates. That messes up the basic notion of a Ketogenic diet, i.e., more fat, moderate protein, and low carbs. Therefore, you need to have a clear impression of the vegetables that are suitable to include in your Ketogenic diet routine. So, the following discussion would outline the different vegetables which could be appropriate additions to your Ketogenic diet.
Following the rules carefully
Before we move ahead to the list of vegetables suited for Ketogenic diet, it is essential to focus on some basic rules to choose them. The first rule of choosing vegetables for your Ketogenic diet is that the vegetables should be leafy and green. Leafy and green vegetables provide rich sources of micronutrients, albeit with lower carb content.
The second rule indicates that it is better to choose vegetables that grow above the ground because the vegetables growing under the ground could have higher sugar and starch content. The last and final rule that you should keep in mind is to stay away from vegetables which taste sweet such as yams, corn, or carrots.
Vegetable options to start with
Now that we have outlined the different concerns to keep in mind while looking for a vegetable to eat on a keto diet, let us outline the most suitable options. Here are some of the helpful low-carb vegetables that you can include in your keto diet.
Spinach contains net carbs of 1.4 grams per 100 grams serving and is a rich source of vitamin A. The other helpful micronutrients that you can find in spinach include vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium and magnesium. The antioxidant properties of spinach and its ability to suppress appetite can be a helpful boost for your weight loss journey!
Asparagus contains 2 grams of net carbs and is known for a unique flavor that works fine in combination with bacon and eggs. The nutritional profile of asparagus includes notable mentions such as folate, calcium, fiber, selenium, zinc, and magnesium. The health benefits of asparagus are further noted in its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties along with its effectiveness in liver protection.
Cucumbers are great vegetables to be on your keto diet plan. With only 1% carbs and remaining water content, cucumbers are a great way for refreshing up.
Broccoli is also another healthy vegetable which should make it to every Ketogenic diet. The net carb content in Broccoli is around 3 grams, and it also provides a rich source of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals.
If you are planning on a Ketogenic diet, then these vegetables mentioned above can be tasty and healthy additions to your diet for faster weight loss!